Celebrating 30 years of building communities and beyond with Asian Land

For three decades, Asian Land Strategies Corporation has been at the forefront of developing world-class communities that provide honest housing and improve the lives of Filipino families. The trusted real estate company commemorates its 30th anniversary with milestone achievements and memorable events this year.

Expanding horizons

“In the past 30 years, Asian Land has developed more than 430 hectares of land and constructed around 4,500 homes across seven residential projects. These accomplishments have cemented our position as the largest Bulakenyo-owned developer,” said Lia Marie Jobelle B. Madrid, Asian Land Corporate Communications Manager.

Casa Natalia

To further expand its footprint in Bulacan and celebrate three decades of growth and success, three open house events were held at The Meadows in Sta. Maria; Grand Royale in Malolos; and Casa Buena de Pulilan in Pulilan, giving guests a glimpse into these prestigious communities. The launch of Casa Felina and Casa Alicia model homes at Casa Buena de Pulilan, its Spanish-inspired community, was also held through a blessing ceremony. 

Casa Alessa

World-class facilities to foster unity and a sense of belongingness

The blessing of the Grand Royale Tennis Court, an ITF-compliant facility at Asian Land’s flagship Grand Royale project in Malolos, kicked off the month-long celebration. Fr. Domingo Salonga officiated the ceremony alongside the company’s management committee and strategic business unit. This was followed by a ribbon-cutting for Asian Land’s newly renovated 3rd-floor offices, attended by officials from the Malolos City government, Asian Land President Consuelo Marie Buhain, the board of directors, and the management committee.

Casa Natalia dining area

Felyne Angeli “ Inggy” B. Gonzales, Corp. Planning and Business Analysis Manager, emphasized how the company is people-driven. “We prioritize not just providing housing but building homes for families because we value camaraderie and community-building among its residents. To supplement this, Asian Land has been continuously improving its amenities to promote belongingness. Only recently have we started to offer pool and tennis training programs to embrace community-building.”

The company is encouraging homeowners to learn a sport and have an active lifestyle by collaborating with various trainers to help the community stay healthy. Partnering with Wilson Philippines and Austennis, Asian Land organized its first-ever Night Session Tennis Camp, featuring a vibrant, neon-themed atmosphere that gave guests an unforgettable night of tennis excitement. It also hosted the first Asian Land Men’s Invitational Open that highlighted the main event with Jed Olivarez, The Philippines’ top 1 player, winning and becoming the tournament’s first champion.

Focused on value and client care

Grounded on the aspirations of its visionary founder Amando M. Buhain to create homes and provide opportunities, Asian Land’s impact extends far beyond the walls of the living spaces it builds. It serves as a catalyst for sustainable economic growth that uplifts the lives of many. This principle guides Chief Operating Officer Pia Marie Isabelle B. Madrid in continuing her grandfather’s legacy. “The vision has always been clear across the management generation, and that is improving lives. Since 1994, putting people front and center has always been the company’s core.”

“I recognize that investing in a home is a feat that may be daunting for some, and I want us to be able to provide reassurance and support. Because of this, we launched our Client Care portal to ensure our clients can reach us with just a few clicks,” added Lia.

Asian Land understands that owning a home is more than just a financial investment – it’s about creating a sanctuary where families can thrive. Its commitment to upholding the cherished Filipino value of providing the very best for one’s loved ones serves as the keystone to crafting communities where quality meets value and where the dream of an ideal home for one’s family is realized with great flexibility and without compromise.

Chief Financial Officer Celine Angelica “Gianne” B. Gonzales shared their wide range of financing options to fit every client’s unique needs. “Over the years, we have steadily expanded our partner banks. We want our clients’ home-buying experiences to go as smoothly as possible. At present, we are accredited by ten different banks, giving our clients the flexibility to choose the bank that they prefer. Coupled with our strong relationships with the banks, our clients enjoy a seamless and cost-effective loan process.”

A people company

At its core, Asian Land Strategies Corporation is not just about building homes; it is about building a community, fostering a culture where people come first. This people-centric approach is evident in the company’s initiatives and the solid organization values it nurtures.

Asian Land’s in-house sales team

True to its tradition of fostering a strong corporate culture and promoting work-life balance, Asian Land had its first quarter Pandesal Party. This general assembly updates employees on the company’s performance while welcoming new hires through entertaining dance performances. Employees embraced a nostalgic 90s theme, honoring the era when Asian Land was founded. They were also treated to salon services and snacks as a token of appreciation. As part of the Asian Land family, top-performing accredited sellers were also recognized at their First Quarter Sales Assembly.

Mancomm with Toti Villanueva, CMO Sports Division Head and Coach Austin delos Santos

Despite not having the opportunity to witness how their grandfather managed the company, Lia still carries on his values within Asian Land. “He cared deeply about the people and their families and made a genuine effort to know each person working for him, treating them like family. This philosophy [became] my guiding principle when I was placed in a position where I could lead others….”

“Asian Land goes beyond just building homes; it is also about supporting livelihoods for our dedicated team,” Gianne said.

Envisioning the next 30 years – and beyond

Raphael Matthew “Matt” B. Gonzales, Emerging Technologies and Integration Manager, shares his vision for Asian Land. “By the next 30 years, Asian Land will be known throughout Luzon for its sustainable, eco-friendly, and affordable housing.”

Gianne stays aligned with the company’s vision “developing prime communities with world-class services and amenities to shelter the Filipino — the desire to provide an opportunity for every Filipino to own a house they can call home and to continue to pursue this endeavor not only in Bulacan but all over the Philippines.”

“I see Asian Land still developing sustainable communities and building homes for the Filipinos. I aspire for Asian Land to achieve nationwide expansion akin to the industry giants in real estate today. While they are competitors, I prefer to regard them as a source of inspiration and motivation,” expressed Lia.

Inggy believes that Asian Land will be stronger than ever, as she looks forward to providing honest housing to dreamers across all walks of life.

And for Pia, “Over the years, it would be a great honor for Asian Land to house 10,000 Filipino families in communities that we have developed not only in Bulacan but throughout Luzon.”

As Asian Land Strategies Corporation marks its 30th anniversary, it stands as a testament to a legacy built on trust, innovation, and a deep commitment to the Filipino community. With a vision that transcends mere housing, Asian Land continues to shape the future, creating spaces where families thrive and dreams are nurtured. Here’s to the next 30 years and beyond, as Asian Land remains dedicated to building not just homes, but lasting communities that embody the spirit of progress and unity.
