Architect Liza Morales: Championing eco-conscious design

Celebrating women & Mother earth

In the world of architecture, a domain where innovation meets heritage, Architect Liza Morales stands as a testament to the power of sustainable design and female leadership. Morales, a trailblazer in the eco-conscious architectural movement, combines her advocacy for environmental sustainability with her experiences as a woman in a traditionally male-dominated field. Her journey is not just about buildings and designs; it’s about breaking barriers and setting new standards for future generations.

Blending female leadership with eco-conscious design

Morales’s approach to architecture is deeply intertwined with her identity as a woman in a field where she remains a minority. “My experiences have instilled in me a sense of resilience and adaptability, which are essential in navigating the challenges of the architectural world,” she states. Her leadership style, which emphasizes collaboration and inclusivity, aims to create a nurturing environment that values every voice. “As a woman in architecture, I believe in the power of mentorship and the strength found in diverse perspectives. This has shaped my approach not just to leadership, but to sustainable design as well.”

Her projects, imbued with a commitment to environmental stewardship, reflect a design philosophy that goes beyond aesthetics. “Sustainable design is not just a trend; it’s a necessity,” Morales asserts. “In every project, I aim to integrate solutions that address our pressing environmental challenges while also enhancing human well-being.”

A testament to sustainability: the PSSLAI Building

A prime example of her commitment to eco-friendly architecture is the PSSLAI Building in Quezon City. Morales describes this project as a “manifestation of sustainable practices in urban environments.” The building leverages passive design strategies, reducing the need for artificial lighting and cooling systems. “We designed the PSSLAI Building with the environment in mind, optimizing natural resources and minimizing waste. It stands as a symbol of what modern architecture should strive for: harmony with nature,” she explains.

The PSSLAI Building is notable for its energy-efficient systems and emphasis on water conservation. “By integrating rainwater harvesting systems and using green roofing, we not only reduce the building’s environmental impact but also contribute to a healthier urban ecosystem,” Morales highlights.

Pioneering products for eco-friendly construction

Beyond her architectural achievements, Morales is advancing sustainable construction through her company, Philippine GeoGreen, Inc. She champions innovative products like the Solatube Daylighting Systems and Big Ass Fans, which have revolutionized energy efficiency in buildings. “Introducing these products to the Philippine market was driven by my commitment to sustainable living. They represent small changes that can make a significant impact,” Morales notes.

These products are part of her broader vision to change the landscape of eco-friendly construction in the Philippines. “It’s about more than just reducing energy consumption; it’s about fostering a culture of sustainability,” she emphasizes.

Advancing sustainability through female insight

Morales believes that female perspectives are crucial in the advancement of sustainable solutions in architecture. “Women bring unique insights that often lead to more comprehensive and empathetic designs,” she observes. “In my firm, we’ve seen how this can lead to innovations that not only save energy but also create spaces that are more attuned to the needs of their users.”

This holistic approach, she stresses, is what sets female-led designs apart. “We look at the bigger picture, considering the social, economic, and environmental impacts of our designs. This is the future of architecture, and women are leading the way.”

A call to future generations

To young women aspiring to enter the fields of architecture and sustainable design, Morales offers words of encouragement, “Believe in your potential and don’t shy away from challenges. The path may be difficult, but your perspective and ideas are essential for the future of our planet.” She stresses the importance of persistence, mentorship, and continuous learning in overcoming obstacles and achieving success.

“Your voice matters,” Morales concludes. “Use it to advocate for sustainable design and to pave the way for a more inclusive and eco-conscious architectural landscape.”

Architect Liza Morales’s story is a beacon of inspiration, demonstrating the impactful blend of female leadership and sustainable design. Her work and advocacy continue to influence the architectural community, encouraging a shift towards more sustainable and inclusive practices. As we move forward, the legacy of leaders like Morales paves the way for a greener, more equitable world.

Get ready for Earth Hour on March 23, 2024, Saturday, 8:30-9:30pm

Tips from Arch. Liza Morales

Turn off non-essential lights and electronics

Switch off lights and unplug electronics not in use during Earth Hour, and to make this a habit beyond the event to reduce energy consumption.

Install energy-efficient lighting

Replacing traditional incandescent bulbs with LED or CFL lights, which use significantly less energy and last longer.

Upgrade appliances

Investing in Energy Star-rated appliances, such as refrigerators, washing machines, and dishwashers, which are designed to be more energy-efficient.

Improve insulation

Improve insulation in their homes to reduce heating and cooling costs, such as sealing gaps around doors and windows and adding insulation to walls and attics.

Use programmable thermostats

Use of programmable thermostats to regulate heating and cooling, optimizing energy usage based on occupancy patterns.

Install solar panels

If feasible, install solar panels to harness renewable energy and reduce reliance on grid power.

Conserve water

Fix leaks, install low-flow fixtures, and use water-saving appliances to reduce water consumption and energy used for heating water.

Landscape with native plants

Landscaping with native plants that need less water and maintenance, reduces the need for irrigation and energy-intensive lawn care equipment.

By implementing these practical tips, homeowners can not only participate in Earth Hour but also adopt long-term energy-efficient practices to reduce their environmental impact and save on energy bills.
