I would like to start this column by thanking the organizers of the two major energy events happening in Manila in the second week of May for inviting me to be among their resource speakers on Renewable Energy (RE).
I am excited to join the officials of the Department of Energy (DOE) as well as the industry experts at “The Future Energy Show” on May 15 at the SMX Convention Center and the “Solar and Energy Storage Future Philippines 2023” at The Hilton Manila on May 17.
As a staunch advocate of sustainability, I am delighted that these two events are putting the spotlight on real estate developers like our company, Italpinas Development Corp. (IDC) and our role in the promotion and consumption of RE.
It is indeed an acknowledgement of our sector’s key role in the attainment of Green Philippines.
These events promise to offer a great venue for Green Advocates to know more about the latest innovations in sustainability and RE technologies, as well as provide the opportunity to work together to make a difference for Mother Earth and humanity in terms of clean energy, power conservation and energy efficiency.

There should be an integrated approach if we are to ensure that the country meets its long-term energy goals.
The Marcos administration, through its National Renewable Energy Program (NREP), has set a clear goal of at least 35 percent RE share in the power generation mix by 2030 and aspires to increase it to 50 percent by 2040.
It further envisions that among the REs, solar will account for the largest share of new clean generation projects, with 27 gigawatts (GW) of capacity required, including both huge utility-scale projects and rooftop solar projects.
For us in the property development sector, the most common and most accessible means of producing RE is through solar panels, specifically the photovoltaic (PV) models.
(The PV solar panel is a device that converts solar energy directly to electricity. The cost of the panels has been decreasing exponentially, making this more accessible to homeowners and building developers.)
In our projects starting with Primavera Residences, Primavera City, Verona and Miramonti, we give PV solar panels to the condominium corporation so they can have free use of the generated power.
The energy produced is used to power elevators, corridor lights, pumps, and other common equipment and energy requirements in the shared areas.
As a result, the condominium unit owners pay lower electricity fees. We also did our part in making green spaces- one solar panel at a time.
IDC’s existing and future projects are fully compliant with the DOE’s Department Circular 2020-12-0026 which requires new and existing buildings to install PV solar panels and adopt RE technologies.
I am looking forward to sharing with my fellow speakers and the conference participants our company’s best practices as well as our own experience in the pursuit of creating eco-friendly communities through our real estate development projects.
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