Prepare your garden for the rainy season

For many gardeners, work does not stop when the rains come. In fact, there are tasks that need to be done to make sure that the greens will survive the wet weather. For some plants, those that are tough or hardy, the rainy season offers nourishing rainwater and fresh breeze that can make them flourish. But the other plants and those in containers need some extra care at this time. Protect your plants, check out the tips below.

Be careful that you do not over-water your plants. Unless the soil is dry or leaves are wilting, plants usually do not need to be watered during the rainy season. But make sure to shelter the young plants, saplings, and seedlings from the rain. 

The frogs and earthworms stay. There are more earthworms in wet weather so try to scatter them around the garden to allow for fertilization of soil in various places. The frogs and toads are insect eaters, so leave them be.

Don’t forget to fertilize. Plants grow during the rainy season so it’s important to nourish them using natural fertilizers like home compost, vermicompost, or cow dung if available. The latter has been proven to be the best manure fertilizer for plants.

Check the drainage system thoroughly. Inspect every container to see if water flows out within a minute or two after watering. Unclog drainage holes to make sure they are open. You might also want to remove the drainage trays underneath the pots during this time if you have them. Use well-draining soil to avoid root rot.

Prune then make your own natural pesticide. When fresh shoots appear after the pruning process, pests and insects usually love to get to the new leaves immediately so spray pesticides once you see fresh shoots come out. Mix 5ml of neem oil in 1 liter of water, then add a teaspoon of baking soda and 10 drops of any liquid soap. Mix well and spray once every 10 to 15 days as a preventive measure. Spray once a week if the plants are already affected by pests.

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