The final days of summer are upon us and soon we’ll be dealing with flooding, rain, and typhoons. While there are still some sunny days left, check this list to see if there is anything you need to prepare before the rains come. If you are well prepared, you can prevent damage to your home and property and avoid big headaches in the months ahead.
Check your gutters. Make sure they are not clogged and clean them well using a garden hose. And while you’re at it, you may also want to clear the debris from your street grates to avoid clogging.
Inspect the ground floor thoroughly. If you are living in a flood-prone area, make sure there are no leaks, electrical damage or wiring problem, or weak spots. Start moving wooden furniture, documents and boxes, important papers, electrical cords, and other items that could be damaged by floodwater.

Fix your roof. Old, sagging, leaking roof needs to be fixed immediately. Check for cracks and gaps where water could seep through and have those repaired.
Trim your trees. Branches and trees themselves can cause damage and injury during severe weather, so it’s best to trim them back while you can.
Protect items outside the house. Cover or store items like grills, outdoor furniture, firewood, yard tools, porch cushions, etc. to make sure they are not damaged by rainwater.
Stock your pantry. Store food like canned goods, cereal, oats, rice, energy bars, preserved fruits, nuts, and drinking water. Don’t forget to store food for your pets, too.

Prepare for a possible power outage. Invest in a good standby generator and keep all your power banks charged for emergency use.
Check your doors and windows. Make sure they are completely sealed. Buy and install the appropriate weatherstrips, tapes, insulation, sealant, or window films to keep your home dry and safe during strong typhoons.
Check your insurance coverage. If you have home insurance, check the items that are covered. For your peace of mind, make sure you know what provisions or coverage apply to typhoon-related, or similar, damages.
Ready your Rainy Day Cabinet. Stock up on candles, batteries and radio, emergency lights, flashlights, and lanterns. Prepare a first-aid kit, sturdy umbrellas, waterproof bags, and storage boxes, too. Finally, it’s a great idea to keep a grab bag for each family member in this accessible place.