When we feel a little stressed or whenever we want to relax, reading is always an option and probably the best escape given our pandemic situation. And while it’s true that you can always read anywhere — in bed, at your desk, on the living room couch — nothing compares to having a quiet and cozy reading corner somewhere in the house.
So go ahead and look around your home to see if there is a spot that you can convert into a luxurious and peaceful reading nook. The great thing about it is that you can also use it for other activities like journaling, listening to music, sketching, and so on. Make it your weekend project — here are ten tips for you!
Make it simple. Place an armchair or a wingback near a window or light source and surround it with books on shelves and a low table — voila, you have a pretty reading corner. If there is no space for actual book cases, you can use wall-mounted shelves or floating book shelves.

A spare closet will do. Mount a wall lamp or attach an overhead light source, line the space with a cushion, a pile of old pillows, or use a beanbag to convert it into an enclosed reading nook for a child (or an adult — why not?).
Think out of the box. Put up a hammock underneath the staircase or install a hanging chair in a corner of the room. You can also find how-to’s online to help you design a sheer canopy for the children’s reading corner.

Have a small table if you have space. This is for your cup of coffee or tea, or your glass of wine. Set a small plant or a vase of pretty flowers on the table to complete the look.
Use the right light. The best light source is the sun, but for night reading or if you don’t have an available window for your nook, you can make use of a wall sconce, floor lamp, a good reading lamp, or even a table lamp.
Make it yours. Decorate your reading corner with your favorite things and items that make you feel happy and peaceful. An aromatic candle, a wall tapestry, lots of greenery, a gallery of paintings or photographs on the wall, and so on.
No to electronics. Keep phones and computers out of your designated reading nook. And if possible, choose a quiet spot away from TV noise.
Use calming colors. Blue, green, and gray are easy favorites. Pastel colors and, of course, your favorite shade are also good choices.
Make it a space for two. Instead of an armchair, for example, you can use a loveseat or a bench so you can read with a friend, your significant other, or have your pet next to you while reading.
Points for extra comfort. An ottoman will be good for your feet and legs, or have a small area rug not just to visually define the space but also to serve as a soft resting place for your bare feet.