Our homes may not always be the most conducive areas to get our work done but here are some tips on how to enjoy the work from home set up.
Use a laptop riser
As our laptops usually fall below our eye level, forcing yourself to look downward at them the whole day may cause strain on our backs and necks. However, this can be lessened by using a riser or stand that will elevate your laptop to your eye level.
Choose a comfortable seat cushion
Sitting on a chair for long hours is generally an uncomfortable position. Lessen the stress of sitting down on your lower body by using a seat cushion for additional comfort.

Stay organized
A messy desk may only add more to your daily stresses. Make sure to keep your desk neat by using desk organizers for your files, pens, notes and other items.
Decorate your desk
Working from your home means you can design your work area however you want it to be. Take this opportunity to spruce up our desks with various design elements. Choose a pen holder with your preferred design, add a few knickknacks of your favorite cartoon characters or place some candles and flowers — these little elements will help brighten your work area.