Decorating mistakes to avoid

Decorating blunders can ruin a totally nice home, that’s why we usually hire interior decorators especially if we don’t have the eye for design. But it would be good to be aware of some common decorating mistakes so we can avoid doing them.  

Buying mass produced art and kitschy decor

This can make any room look cheap so go for the original artworks or, if your budget does not allow it, it’s better to DIY a piece or ask an artistic friend to create something for you. There are places online where one can buy affordable and unique pieces.

Now as far as kitschy decor is concerned, one or two may be forgivable but if there are too many framed cliché quotes hanging around your house, for instance, the whole place may give off an unsophisticated or immature vibe.

Not dressing up store-bought light fixtures

A shabby light bulb is totally out of place in a well-designed home, but a great lighting fixture can change the whole room for the better. One can find good ideas online for ways to transform ugly light fixtures, or you can buy interesting lamps and lights from thrift shops, home depot, and the mall’s home department. 

Buying an uncomfortable sofa

Even if it is aesthetically pleasing (and expensive), an uncomfortable sofa is a major decorating fail.

Do not buy sofas without sitting on it first because as the living room’s main fixture, the first consideration should always be a comfort. And comfort is the first thing that any living room must offer to its occupants.

Allowing clutter to accumulate

Failing to tidy up for a few days usually results in the accumulation of clutter. Cluttered tabletops, shelves and cabinets, countertops, floor spaces could throw off the balance and ruin a home’s good design. Clean out your space weekly, if you don’t have the time to do it every day.

Creating a TV shrine

A TV shrine is the highlight of too many Filipino living rooms, but a sala is essentially created to facilitate “living”, which does not only mean entertainment. Watching movies or TV shows together as a family is fine, but try to celebrate conversations, reading, art-making, or other activities that can be done in the living room.

Arrange your furniture pieces and decorate the space in such a way that cultivates these activities.

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