Leaders of truth in real estate

July is a very special month for The Philippine STAR. On July 28, 2024, the publication marks yet another proud moment in its history, having served as a beacon of nation-building and an enduring champion of truth for the Filipino people for more than three decades. At a time when knowing and understanding truth has become even more vital, we take the opportunity to celebrate our guiding principle in delivering news and information with our 38th-anniversary theme: #W38ELIEVE: STAND WITH TRUTH.

 In Property Report, “We Believe: Stand with Truth” underscores the value of authenticity in real estate – how it attracts investors, and how homes, developments, and communities lay the foundation for homeowners to live their most authentic selves. This month, the section reaches out to readers who seek out homes and communities that align with their values and lifestyle aspirations. We aim to guide our readers toward making informed decisions that empower our readers to live their truest, best lives in environments that genuinely reflect who they are.

It is in this regard that we invited real estate industry leaders to share the invaluable beliefs and truths that fuel the passion behind their work and service for homeowners throughout our nation.

Manny Villar
Chairman, Villar Group

I believe that all Filipinos deserve the best things in life. The real estate industry contributes to this enormously not just by providing shelter but also by helping Filipinos realize their dream home. Someone’s biggest investment in life—like that OFW family who were the first to buy property from me—will be buying a house and our job is to make sure that investment brings fulfilment and a sense of pride.

Beyond building homes, we have integrated beautiful malls and world-class retail concepts into our communities to elevate our residents’ standard of living. Filipinos deserve beautiful things; they deserve to live in beautiful homes and communities on par with global standards.

I believe in dreaming big for the Filipinos. We cannot be contented with “pwede na” because Filipino families deserve a quality of life that is top-notch and world-class. This is why I am embarking on a landmark development project, Villar City, which will be a culmination of the best practices and insights we’ve gained from being in the business of real estate over the decades. This multifaceted, multifunctional development will be in a class of its own, a pioneering “city within cities” designed to meet future demands. This massive, ambitious project may extend beyond my lifetime, but I believe it is my legacy and my way of bringing the beauty and greatness of the world closer to more Filipinos.

Thomas F. Mirasol
President and COO, Federal Land

I believe that great communities (i.e., attractive, efficient, productive, safe and sustainable) are the foundations for the growth of any country. I believe that great communities take root when thoughtful considerations – and investments — are made for both the present and future generations of people who will live, go to school and work there.

I believe that all of us should be actively involved in making our communities better. If everyone made an effort to be a positive element in their communities people would be more mindful. Traffic would flow faster but still be safer, public spaces would be cleaner and greener, and everyone will be happier and healthier.

I believe that the 20 and 30-year-olds of today, will continue to see this vision through. They are passionate about creating a better world, they are resilient and tougher than they receive credit for. I believe in them.

Elizabeth Ventura
President, Anchor Land

I believe that sustainable investment opportunities are headed towards the country’s best leisure and wellness destinations. As present-day investors become more discerning about their choices, they may find exciting avenues to diversify with new investment concepts in these locations. By building property developments equipped with the right elements to make them suitable for rental operations, we aim to contribute in building a sustainable and resilient investment landscape for property owners.

Lourdes T. Gutierrez-Alfonso
President, Megaworld Corporation

I believe in our capacity and commitment to fulfill our higher purpose beyond our company. We are celebrating our 35th anniversary this year and throughout the past decades, we have been guided by our lasting vision of uplifting lives, impacting society, and helping shape the nation through our various developments.

Looking into the future, I believe that there remains a lot of exciting growth opportunities in our industry especially in expanding our township concept that we pioneered in the Philippine real estate industry to more key areas around  our country.

As we do this, we are guided by our core values of Integrity, Excellence, Creativity and Innovation, as we continue to create a significant positive impact to the lives of many more Filipinos.

Tristan Las Marias
President and CEO
Filinvest Land Inc.

I believe in Filinvest Land Inc.’s dedication to helping build the Filipino dream and leading Filipinos forward to a brighter future. At Filinvest Land, we remain focused on our core customers—the average Filipinos—who dream of owning quality homes in sustainable communities. To this end, we are committed to developing residential, office, and industrial communities that enhance lives and that every Filipino will be proud of.

Renato L. Tobias
President, National Home Mortgage
Finance Corporation

I believe that the real estate industry is more than just property transactions; it is about securing the future of our countrymen through sustainable liquidity, affordability in the housing market, and unwavering dedication to public service with high regard to clients’ satisfaction. By upholding these principles, we are creating a sustainable and thriving real estate where every sector is included.

Felino “Jun” Palafox, Jr.
Architect and Urban Planner

I believe development is not worthy of the name unless it is spread like butter on a piece of bread. I wrote this back in 1973 when I was still a student. To this day, this still holds true. I believe that we would all like to live in environment-friendly, master-planned, and well-designed buildings and sustainable communities and cities that are smart, resilient, livable, connected, accessible, walkable, bikeable, safer, healthy, convenient, clean, mixed-income, and cross-generational mixed-use developments integrating places to live, work, shop, dine, learn, and worship with healthcare, recreation, leisure, and 24-hour cycle activity centers.

Real estate is no longer about location, location, location but connectivity, connectivity, connectivity; accessibility, accessibility, accessibility; and mobility, mobility, and mobility.

Atty. Agnes VST Devanadera
CDC President and CEO

I believe in weaving together the threads of heritage and innovation to cultivate vibrant communities. Under President Ferdinand ‘Bongbong’ Marcos Jr.’s leadership, we’re not simply implementing legacy projects in Clark; we’re crafting transformative experiences. These efforts elevate Clark as a global hub while safeguarding our cultural tapestry and environment. They embody stories of pride and legacy, driven by transparency, integrity, and collaborative spirit. We’re nurturing spaces where traditions thrive alongside progress, ensuring lasting value and enriching interactions for everyone who walks through Clark’s doors.”
