Exploring the architecture of silence

Wilcon Depot's bathroom solution brand, Pozzi.

Art became a way of communication. A tool to express your thoughts and emotions. 

As kids, we only think that lines, shapes, and forms are the elements that have no meaning beyond their visual appeal. But as we grow older, our understanding of these elements expands, and we begin to appreciate how they contribute to the language of design. 

Architecture, in particular—the art and science of building spaces that evoke emotions and create meaningful experiences–takes this language to another level. The new coffee table book. “Architecture of Silence” by OneMega’s BluPrint Magazine beautifully captures the essence of architecture as a form of art that goes beyond aesthetics and functionality. 

The launch of the book was a momentous occasion, bringing together architects, designers, and enthusiasts to celebrate the beauty of innovation in Philippine architecture. Being one of the leaders of the trusted building partner, Wilcon Depot, I was proud to be a part of this event.

An evening of inspiration and innovation at the book launch of ‘Architecture of Silence’ by OneMega’s BluPrint Magazine.

It was a also milestone for us at Wilcon Depot to recognize and put on display one of our high-quality products at the event—the Pozzi Bathtub. This luxurious piece exemplifies the beauty and functionality of modern design and speaks to Wilcon Depot’s commitment to providing top-notch products for valued customers. The Pozzi Bathtub perfectly fits the “Architecture of Silence narrative.” It symbolizes more than just a place to bathe; it represents a sanctuary, a space where one can retreat from the world’s noise and find peace in its simplicity.

Wilcon Depot’s bathroom solution brand, Pozzi.

With this collaboration between BluPrint and Wilcon Depot, I could not help but admire the power of architecture and design to shape our experiences and perceptions. The “Architecture of Silence” is not just about buildings; it’s about creating spaces that resonate with our souls and speak to the essence of who we are and what we value. 

A book like this reminds us of the importance of pausing and taking a moment to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us. “Architecture of Silence” is more than just a coffee table book; it’s a testament to the enduring power of silence, calmness and the profound impact that thoughtful design can have on our lives. 

Like the American architect and designer Frank Lloyd Wright said, “The mother art is architecture. Without an architecture of our own, we have no soul of our own civilization.” For me, that is true! Because architecture is more than just buildings—it represents our ideals, aspirations, and collective memory. It is a physical expression of our society’s identity and values.

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