Invest in good fortune, invest with Wilcon Depot 

Prosperity bowls, Ampaos, and Dragon Dances—This year’s Chinese New Year is all about embracing only positive energy and letting it manifest inside the heart of our own homes. 

With Wilcon Depot, the Philippines’ leading home improvement and construction supply retailer, we are given the chance to invite harmony into our humble abode and lock in good fortune through its Chinese New Year Special, featuring Feng Shui Master Marites Allen. 

The said event is a two-day talk, shedding light on the significance of change and home renovations in the Wood Dragon year. It also provides homeowners different tips about exploring Feng Shui Home Insights and what must be done, as we enter the new majestic period of 9. 

Here are the three major transformations we need to comply with to attract prosperity:

Change of Flooring 

Feng Shui-wise, Filipinos should change their flooring, as it is connected to the natural earth elements. According to Allen, the ground plays an important role in supporting the foundations of our own home and therefore, houses all the energy we have accumulated over time. 

Wilcon Depot can easily help us to do so, as all its 92 branches offer a wide range of tile patterns in both digital and physical stores. However, the renowned Feng Shui expert still reminded customers to consult them about the 9-grid floor plan for right-direction placements, as one wrong move can disturb the propitious flow of energies. 

Change of Main Door

Next on the checklist is the replacement of the main doors. If you find yourself on a tight budget, the trusted advisor also shared other alternatives to make a change in preparation for the Chinese New Year. Customers may either get a new door lock, a varnish, or a fresh coat of paint to welcome boundless opportunities. 

Wilcon Depot continuously proves to be a reliable companion for all homeowners. It has both a selection of international and local quality products which buyers may use to elevate their home designs to greater heights, while at the same time honing nothing but good luck. 

Change of Roofing 

It is understandable that not all can change their roofing on a whim. Hence, the Feng Shui Queen suggested renovating the ceiling with fresh paint or at least, bringing in more vibrant lights for an increase in productivity and success.

Basking in natural light like the sun is not only good for health but also for cleansing bad energy. 

A new year simultaneously marks the end of a period and the start of the next. This 2024, it is time for us to leave the past behind and live more in the present by claiming positive energy. Let us make room—or in this case, a home—for new blessings and release everything that keeps us from moving forward. 

After all, Allen said that in letting go, there is power. It is up to us to take the wheels of our own lives and make a difference in our environment. 

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