Suntrust annual awards, sales kick off set the tone for 2020
We see architects, engineers and construction workers as the backbone of the success of every house and condominium built. While this holds true for the real estate industry, we look past the sales agents who introduced to aspiring homeowners the possibility of owning a home that holds the most value from their hard work.
Agents serve as a bridge that connects the success of projects, livelihood of other workers, and fulfillment of every homeowner’s dream.
Aware of the dedication, loyalty and hard work of its sales agents, Suntrust Properties Inc., (SPI) held its annual awards and 2020 sales kick off at Le Pavillon Metropolitan Park, Pasay City last Feb. 26. Suntrustees dressed to their best and gathered at the Oscars-inspired event, which carried the theme, “I Reign.”

SPI president Atty. Harrison Paltongan explained that the theme encompasses a broad spectrum of meanings.
Paltongan said that it might mean serving as an example, showing the way, and as a company, continuing to expand in other regions, spreading out what the company does, employing more people, and having more Suntrustees who can achieve their dreams and improve their lives.
“Being a leader should be done with humility. So that is also our mission: to reign in the spirit of humility. That is what will determine your success. The way to achieve your goals is to be with a team, and the secret to making your team produce their best is to lead with humility: listen to them, be with them, stand by them and fight for them,” he emphasized.
“Reigning has another meaning,” he added. “It can also mean controlling what’s within us. Before we can control or reign on people, we first need to reign on ourselves. As human beings, we are imbued with so many talents, skills, energy, ideas and passion. All we have to do is bring them out and discover our full potential.”

Suntrust sales, marketing and training first vice president Jerry Rubis lifted the crowd’s morale as he set the tone for the year 2020.
“This yearly event in sales is our way of giving honor and expressing our gratitude for the efforts of everyone to achieve our goals for the previous year. Today, we celebrate hard work for the year 2019,” he said.
“Let us work together this year to soar high and say to the world that Suntrust is here and it will soar higher because we can. Let us help each one as we grow together,” he added.
During the awarding ceremony, the real estate developer lifted the spirits of Suntrustee awardees as they passed through an arch of swords before receiving their awards, coupled with certificates, trophies, two brand new cars, cash prizes and training packages.
Soaring higher in 2020
SPI senior assistant vice president for regional sales operations Engr. Nora Gutierrez said that the past year was a challenging year for the sales sector nationwide due to earthquakes, typhoons and other calamities. They also saw the hurdles brought about by Taal’s eruption and COVID-19 scare early this year.

“Despite the challenges and uncertainties, our Suntrustees remain steadfast, loyal and determined in their resolve to make volumes of sales and deliver all those sales. We were able to prove that all Suntrustees are resilient,” she said.
“I wish that you will continue to strive and be living witnesses and models of loyalty and dedication to everyone. I know and believe that 2020 will be another banner year for all of us,” she said as she congratulated the awardees.
Meanwhile, SPI EVP and COO Deanna Jean Claveria believes that 2020 is a promising year for the company as it connotes clarity and sharpness of vision.
“Years ago, when we crafted our vision statement in 2007, 2020 seemed like a long time. But over the years, we have slowly but surely realized our vision,” she said, recalling Suntrust’s early years. “Having a clear vision that we will someday achieve our vision, I would like to thank you for believing that, together, as a family, we will fully achieve it someday. We all know that in the future, we will reap the fruits of our labor and dedication.”
“Many of you started without cars, own houses or condominiums and other investments. Now, you don’t have just one but many more. Many of you were able to provide proper education for your children until they finish college. But beyond the material rewards that we are receiving is that inner purpose why we are all here. I know that we are here not just for our dreams. For every sale that we make, we contribute to a lot of people and touch their lives,” she shared.

As she shared the mission of the company, she tackled the deeper meaning of sales and the evening’s theme, pivoting toward how Suntrustees make a difference in people’s lives.
“The reason we became part of Suntrust is not an accident; there is always a deeper purpose, and it is for us to contribute toward the realization of dreams of other people,” she said.
“Our theme, ‘I Reign’ may also mean that this is your mission area, where you can spread the good news about Suntrust, where we can deliver quality homes and where you can tell people that they can have their own homes. Today is the start of another journey toward success and our goal of providing a home for every Filipino,” she added.
Discovering the force within
Claveria’s words deeply resonate with the story of many Suntrustees, including the 2020 awardee Ericka Barretto.
Barretto, a consistent sales awardee at Suntrust, acknowledged that the secret behind her success is that she came from a place of struggle.
“I was struggling financially and having an early life crisis. I was thinking of what I truly wanted to do, and I never thought that selling was something that I could do. The reason for my success is that I was given a challenge, but the reward was present, so I strived for it,” she shared. “When you’re running a team, you really want to inspire them that when you work hard, you can achieve your dreams.”

“I am thankful for my Suntrust family because they have given an avenue for people to change their lives, as well as their family’s lives. They have really been generous in terms of giving values, not just monetary, but also to our time and effort. Every move you make has a corresponding reward, and for me, that is something you look for in a job because being in a job is like being married to someone — you want somebody to appreciate you,” she added.
A recipient of five awards in one evening, Suntrustee Jay Potente shared that his faith in the company and the people he works with are huge factors to his success.
“We always plan the steps that we will take to achieve our goals, mission and vision to be a role model in the real estate industry,” he said. “And more than that, if you have faith in yourself, the company you are in, and people you work with, eventually, you can achieve whatever goals you have, and success will follow.”