Almost three years into the pandemic, many of us are still struggling with our home office setup and routine.
Some may think that setting up the home office is as easy as pushing the table against a wall or window, getting a chair, hooking up a computer, and you’re set. But if you really want to be productive, there is a need to put a lot more thought into your WFH setup.
To maintain productivity, we must avoid mixing what we do at home with what we do at the office. One example is to avoid working lying down in bed and opt to work at a desk you can find at home.
With a desk, you can feel like you are back in the office setting, but an empty desk with just your laptop might feel boring at times.
Here are some things you need on your home desk to continue having a productive work-from-home setup.
• Noted! A notebook by your side is perfect for those who want to be organized and structured when it comes to their work, especially when new ideas pop into your mind. Not only that, taking down notes can help you be more creative, keep important information, and organize your thoughts better.

• A cup to boost. To all coffee lovers out there, you all know how one cup can perk you up and get you ready for the day.
However, you might find yourself lethargic and slow one afternoon after hours of doing paperwork and other tasks. Get up and make yourself a cup of fresh coffee to keep your energy up and running and to make you more motivated to do work.

• Plan ahead. A planner or a calendar is great for people who constantly want to remind themselves of tasks that need to be done in the future. Keeping track of your tasks ahead of time can help you be more organized when it comes to your workflow. Plus, it makes your work so much easier and more structured, as it is just one look away when it comes to doing your next task.

• Scent the mood. A great scent always sets the mood for every activity we do. Light up a scented candle to brighten up your frame of mind as you continue on with your job. Just a whiff of the many possible scented candles you can have on your desk can boost help fight your stress and improve your overall mental health. So, what are you waiting for? Set your desk up with these four things in your home workspace. A great desk is key to stopping you from lazing around at home and actually getting your work done!