How to use household waste as plant fertilizer

It is best to fertilize plants using natural materials because it is earth-friendly, safe, cheap, and provides adequate nourishment for the plants. Houseplants and indoor plants may be fertilized using ordinary household waste like the items listed below. Using commercial natural or organic fertilizers is great for these plants, too, but if you want to save money and recycle your household waste, then check out the following tips.

Don’t throw out those eggshells. Crush the eggshells into a fine powder before mixing it into the potting soil. You can also steep it in boiled water overnight and use the water for your plants in the morning. The eggshells provide calcium and other nutrients to the plant and also helps to lower the acid levels in the soil.

Plants love green tea and coffee grounds. Certain houseplants like begonias, violets, and foliage plants will thrive in soil nourished with green tea and coffee grounds because of the tannic acid, nitrogen, and other nutrients in these fertilizers. They can be mixed with potting soil, used for compost, or steeped in water for a week to make liquid fertilizer.

Grass and weeds are good for plants. Soak a bucket full of grass clippings and weeds in water for one or two days, then add a cup of the mixture to 10 cups of water before using it to water the plants. It’s rich in nitrogen and will also help enhance the soil so your houseplants will grow tough and healthy.

Keep your cooking water. Whenever you wash rice or boil meat, pasta, eggs, or veggies, nutrients are released into the water. If it’s hot, let the water cool down before using it to water your potted plants. Water from a freshwater aquarium is also rich in nutrients and may be used directly to water plants. So save it the next time you clean your aquarium and change the water.

Hair and ash are rich sources of nourishment for plants. Wood ash from a fire pit can be sprinkled on the soil, just make sure charcoal is not part of the mixture since it can harm the plants. Human hair can also supply nitrogen to the soil—some people actually collect hair from salons and barbershops. But plant experts say dog or cat hair will work fine, too.

Save those banana peels. They contain high levels of potassium, some nitrogen, phosphorus, and magnesium, which make them a wonderful houseplant fertilizer. Put them directly on the soil, or cut them into pieces then mix with the potting soil. It can also be pureed with a little water before pouring onto the soil.

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