With the current global situation, many of us stay cooped up inside our homes. But as we sit in the confines of our living spaces surrounded with all these appliances, we might be less wary of how we consume energy.
Majority of electricity consumption causes the emission of greenhouse gases, and being stuck at home can worsen them with our constant usage. But there are ways to lessen and prevent these environmental effects. Here are five tips to save energy at home for a safer, healthier surroundings for your family:
• Invest in solar lighting. Many non-renewable sources expand carbon footprint and harm the environment. Solar lights can prevent this. The sun is the most viable source of energy, which means our solar lights have unlimited power source.
This environmental-friendly and cost-efficient. It’s low maintenance and we spend less on having to replace bulbs from time to time.
With solar lights, there is no guilt in keeping our homes bright even at night.
• Let that natural light seep through. Paint your walls with light colors and draw the curtains on your window. If choosing a home, it’s ideal to build windows on spaces you will usually occupy.
If you’re working at home, find a space where natural light can seep through. This way, you wouldn’t have to turn on the lights for a whole day.
• Regularly clean your filters. If you have air conditioners, heat pumps, water filters, and the like, it’s best to ensure they are well-maintained. This can lengthen the life and durability of your appliance, and is cost-effective versus having to repair or replace every time it wears out.
• Be smart with your energy-efficiency appliances. There are many energy-efficient products available in the market. Be smart with your purchase by learning how to read the labels of your appliances. Ensure its energy efficiency and shelf life as this can also help you with budgeting your monthly electricity.

• Practice energy-saving habits. The most important is to practice healthy energy-saving behavior. We all know the basics—turn off lights and unplug appliances or chargers not in use, turn the running water off when not in use. Also, don’t leave the refrigerator open, etc.
We know what we must do, but being consistent with these habits is of great importance.As long as we develop these small habits, it will provide us a bigger benefit in the long run.