Try these passive green design ideas for your home

As a homeowner or homemaker, you have a responsibility to design and create an energy-efficient home. To live at this moment in the earth’s history means that we all need to do what we can to help heal the planet. Creating an eco-friendly home will not just save us money, it is also an excellent way to live responsibly and sustainably. As a bonus, you and your family get to live more comfortably.

Passive green design for the home simply means that natural elements and processes are used to save energy. We want to share a few sustainable and inexpensive design options that you can easily incorporate into your home.

Allow fresh air into the home

Using natural ventilation means you don’t need gadgets or appliances like electric fans or aircon units to cool your space. But it’s crucial to plan the placement of windows during the home design phase to maximize the benefits of having natural air in the home. Needless to say, the use of fresh air isn’t only good for your pocket and the environment, it is also good for your health. 

Know that daylighting is in

This is the use of windows (shaded and otherwise), skylights, and sunroofs to illuminate spaces in the home. Having shade trees also helps as it is an effective way to “control” the light and fresh air that enter a room. Some people advocate daylighting for the simple reason that it aligns us with the day’s natural rhythm.

Set up water-saving fixtures

You can build a simple water harvesting setup to be able to use rainwater for tasks like cleaning and gardening. It is important to be reminded that the presence of water in our pipes does not mean there is an unlimited supply. Use less water to save not just money but also the earth’s limited natural resources.

Other solutions

Not strictly passive design but nonetheless eco-friendly would be the use of energy-efficient appliances and using LED lights at night. When buying refrigerators, aircon, washing machines, opt for energy-saving models. They may be more expensive than the regular units but you would end up saving more in the long run. If you can do so, you can also start using solar panels. These used to be more expensive, but prices have dropped considerably as demand and production increased. 

In the evenings when natural light is not available, you can turn to LED lights because they require less power than regular incandescent bulbs and can last up to 40 times longer. You’ll save money on your electric bill and lights replacement, plus you’ll be helping to reduce electronic waste by going for this longer-lasting option.

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