Without a doubt, the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has changed peoples’ lives in so many ways. So much so that it has also changed how offices and other public buildings function to ensure the safety and health of its tenants and visitors, including implementing safety protocols and other similar actions.
One of the ways that office administrators and property developers are keeping spaces safe for their tenants is by disinfecting areas either daily or weekly. But this may not be enough to fully eliminate the risks of contracting the disease. By keeping your workspace clean and orderly, you create a healthy and sanitary work environment. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), good cleaning and disinfection routines can greatly reduce or eliminate the risk of a viral count of COVID-19 on surfaces and objects in the office.
Filipinos are generally sentimental and expressive folks; however, in a crisis like what we are facing now, these traits cannot and will not help when dealing with the deadly disease. In order to help curb the spread of the virus in our workspaces, we can limit the items in our desks and keep it to a minimum by sticking to only the basics.
In a previous article, I shared how minimalism has become a trend amid the COVID-19 pandemic and shared ways on how to practice the minimalist lifestyle in the home but you could also practice minimalism in the workspace or in the office.
As a refresher, minimalism is defined as getting rid of material possessions and relying on only what is necessary, thereby ridding yourself of stress and the feeling of worry. When it comes to office space, a messy desk or workspace can contribute to more stress and can even distract you from doing your tasks.
Take a look at your desk. Believe it or not, you probably have a lot of items lying around than you actually need. It may be difficult getting rid of material possessions and transitioning to a minimalist mindset but you will soon see that a minimalist office space can make you feel inspired and creative.
Here’s how to achieve the minimalist office space:
Determine the items you need for your job; pens, notebook or pad, a planner, and computer. Everything else is excess. Take it a step further by asking yourself if you need specific office items that otherwise could have been a shared item among colleagues or peers, such as staplers, tape dispensers and the like. Go a notch higher by eliminating the need for file cabinets, folders, and drawers.

Get rid of decorations or knick-knacks
Though it is important to display your individualism, most decors are completely unnecessary and are, at best, unwanted distraction and a waste of space.

Stay organized
Now that your desk and office space are cleared from clutter, you can move to decluttering your computer by organizing files and folders, and old emails. Determine which files are necessary and which can be deleted. Stay organized by doing this daily and not just in one sitting. By staying organized, not only will it free your computer’s disk memory, but it will also make it easier for you to search for files for future tasks.

Keep interiors simple
The goal of minimalism is to keep things simple. When it comes to furniture, invest in pieces that can stand the test of time and avoid chunky or oversized ones. At the same time, ensure that these pieces are easy to clean and sanitize and that the office space remains clean. Do not clutter walls with pictures and other decorations or accessories and instead use neutral colors.