Colliers Residential Services holds a webinar on “green” housing

With the insatiable demand for new housing comes an increasing demand for energy. In a time when governments are actively looking for ways to lower our carbon footprint, this presents something of a dilemma especially when the building and construction sectors account for about 36% of final energy use and 39% of energy and process-related carbon dioxide emissions in 2018, according to a study conducted by the International Energy Agency (IEA).

It is for this reason that the design, real estate, and construction industries are always on the lookout for solutions that will decrease carbon emissions and improve efficiency. We have seen this trend in commercial properties, and we are now seeing the residential segment quickly catching up – testament to stakeholders’ and consumers’ increasing awareness on the importance of going green.

Colliers Residential Services  hold a webinar titled, “The Future of Housing is Green,” tomorrow, Sept. 1, 10 a.m.

Colliers has invited experts from the design, urban planning, and residential development sectors to share best practices, discuss current trends, and offer recommendations for a greener and more sustainable housing sector.
This event is organized by Colliers Residential Services team in partnership with Metroscape Enterprises Inc., Astrata Consulting Inc., Australian–New Zealand Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines, British Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines, Subdivision and Housing Developers Association, Organization of Socialized Housing Developers of the Philippines and ANC.

To register, click this link.
